Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Beauty of France

Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France
Beauty of France

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tips to avoid dry lips

Can not be avoided when the lips lose moisture will become chapped and dry. Especially if you live in a cold area or work place air-conditioned. Tips for women who keep kecantinka, especially the lips do not dry:

Don't lick lips
Saliva evaporates quickly from the lips of premises, and this will cause our lips become dry. If you have a habit of licking his lips, avoid the use of fruit-flavored lipbalm. Choose a bitter so you do not be tempted.

Always willing lip balm
Never leave a moisturizing lip balm lip alias. Bring to wherever you go, and apply to lips and surrounding areas now have started to feel dry. Best lip moisturizer that contains beeswax, shea butter and SPF to protect lips from sun exposure.

Treatment before bed
Do not just brush your teeth, wash your face, and put on moisturizer before bed. So lips stay healthy, beautiful, and spared from drought, get used to doing this perawatanl every night before bed. Take a small towel, and wet with warm water. Then rub the wet towel gently on the lips to peel off dead skin causes chapped lips. Once smooth, apply a lip moisturizer. This moisturizer will work nourish lips as long as we sleep.

You already know that we should drink at least eight glasses of water every day, right? Dry lips is one way the body's signal that he was dehydrated. So, do not just moisturize from the outside (by applying a lip balm), but also moisten the inside with the help of mineral water.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The face loses its natural freshness, why?

Have you ever woke up and saw your face dull, dull and looks tired? This is a problem experienced by many people. Want to know what causes it?
Apparently the natural freshness of the face can be lost because of the following things.

1. Lack of sleep
Less sleep will make your skin nutrient deficiencies because when we sleep, the skin absorb the nutrients optimally. So the less time you sleep, then the nutrients absorbed by the skin also decreases. As a result, the face will look dull and dry. Besides lack of sleep also cause other problems such as eye bags, swollen and blackened.

2. Stress
Stress can affect a person's body and mind. Physically, stress can make blood flow becomes smooth, so the nutrients needed skin was not spread evenly. As a result the skin becomes unhealthy. Cope with stress can do many things. Eg exercise, yoga, or unwind with a vacation. Healthy body, the skin becomes beautiful.

3. Unbalanced diet
Indiscriminate diet will make you lose your body the necessary nutrients. The skin did not get the nutrition he needs every day. As a result your skin becomes unhealthy. To meet the nutrition of skin, eat a variety of brightly colored vegetables and fruits such as green, red and orange. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals to the skin. Reduce salt and eating fatty foods make your skin look bright. Well advised not to consume alcohol too much coffee, because it can reduce the skin's natural health.