Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back & Neck Injuries Anyone?

This past week, I had a visit from a friend, and her husband, who was schooled in the areas of massage, pressure points, and reflexology. In the course of our conversation, he briefly mentioned that because of an accident and resulting back and neck injuries, as long as he stretched out each day doing a certain few exercises, he rarely had any reoccurring problems.

Then he proceeded to show me the stretching exercises he was given to do.
As I watched him go through this routine of exercises, I was amazed to find out that he was doing step-by-step the first 8-10 minutes of my Living a Healthy Lifestyle workout routine. I could have almost sworn that he had copied my video.

I have known for a long time that stretching is important for the body's well being at any age, and as we age, stretching will keep the body limber and our muscles stronger. All three workout components (stretching, wei*ght work, and aerobics) are important for keeping fit and active, but learning about what he shared on stretching and its importance for the neck a back really amazed me.

If you are in need of a good workout for whole body fitness, or need to strengthen your neck and back, then take advantage of this month's discount at $13.95 for the Living a Healthy Lifestyle workout DVD at

What a blessing it is to have a strong, physical body! Take good care of your body each day with good exercise!

For your best health,
Erleen Tilton