Thursday, September 18, 2008
Keep Children Away From Flame Retardants
The following is a short clip of information from the Environmental Working Group (
We just finished the first investigation of toxic fire retardants (called Deca) in parents and their children, and we found toddlers had 3 times the levels of Deca in their blood as their mothers.
That means young children in the U.S. bear the heaviest burden of flame retardant pollution in the world. Deca is a neurological and hormone distrupter, and children are more susceptible to its effects than adults.
What's a parent to do? Take these steps to protect your family:
* Inspect foam items and replace any with ripped covers or misshapen/breaking-down foam
* Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter
* Don't reupholster foam furniture in homes where children or pregnant women live
* Carefully remove old carpet because the padding may contain PBDEs.
* Have small children wash their hands frequently so they put clean hands in their mouths!
I add:
* Do not put children to bed in flame retardant sleepware
* Help babies and toddlers avoid direct contact with carpets by placing them on blankets on floor.
All these things do and will affect the health of individuals and especially young growing children. We can take better measures to eliminate the exposure.
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Unbelievable - another reason Why Not Milk or Meat!
Amazing it seems! But the truth of the matter is that with each generation, girls (and boys) are beginning their hormonal cycles and changes younger and younger. Why? One big fat cause: growth hormones used in producing animal products for human consumption.
Most of us can read the histories of our grandparents and find that they:
1) grew their animals on their family farm, or bartered with a neighbor
2) ate meat sparingly - killing a chicken or two for Sunday dinner, and/or hunted, dried, prepared other meats on different occasions
3) had their own milk cow or traded with their neighbor
4) all animals ate grass, insects, garden scraps, whole grains, etc.
Animals raised in these conditions are more difficult to find today. You have to go to specialty stores, health markets, or request the grocery stores to carry them for you - and they are much more expensive than the main stream market meats (understandably so - they are allowed to grow naturally with better food and without the speed of hormones). But you must remember most milk and meats products found in grocery stores:
are from animals grown with hormones - for quick growth which means more profits
these products (milk, cheeses, meats of all kinds) now contain the growth hormones
the growth hormones are passed onto the consumer
which results in: people putting on extra weight, children coming into puberty earlier, and people growing taller and have longer extremities (shoes & clothes sizes have increased dramatically)
So what can you do about it?
1) Quit eating main stream meat and milk products from: grocery stores, fast food restaurants, any restaurants
2) Limit your meat and milk intake - eat them sparingly or infrequent
3) Shop for grass-fed or non-hormone produced meat or milk products
4) Realize that what you eat really does make a difference
5) Care about today's and tomorrow's children by stepping up to the plate and demanding the best or nothing! Our children really do depend our knowledge and decisions!
6) Get into the habit of creating your own good healthy menus for yourself and those around you. Get some great cookbooks that are created for this very reason: see
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
So What About Chocolate and Cola?
· "It is difficult to fault something that was known as the "Food of the Gods" to the Aztecs, but chocolate can certainly have its negative side. It is extremely high in fat, calories, and because of its bitterness, is invariably blended with large amounts of sweeteners. Chocolate also contains caffeine and theobromine (stimulants), tannic acid, and has a high content of oxalic acid (blocks absorption of calcium)." Source: TCW Product Information Guide
· "Because it (chocolate) is rich in the stimulants caffeine and theobromine, chocolate combats fatigue and gives a burst of quick energy." Source: Reader's Digest, Magic and Medicine of Plants
· "Kola Nuts are the seed kernels of 6 or 7 species of the genus Cola (Chocolate Family). The kernels contain more caffeine than coffee, also a little theobromine." Source: A Golden Guide, Herbs and Spices
This is my story. At age 21, I had over a dozen breast lumps. After having a mammogram, the medical practitioner: 1) assured me that the lumps were benign, 2) said that women are much more affected negatively by stimulants, and 3) recommended that I give up 4 things for life to avoid breast cancer which were: coffee, tea, cola drinks, and chocolate. Incidentally, I only had to give up one: chocolate - my favorite addiction! The others were not a part of my life. And within a few months, all the breast lumps disappeared and have never returned.
Chocolate and cola drinks do contain stimulants, and that's why they are addictive just like other addictive substances. That's why people crave them - that's why people get headaches if they try to avoid them once addicted.
Solutions: avoid addictive foods - those with stimulants!
* Replace chocolate with carob. "The taste of carob is 'somewhat similar' to chocolate but should be enjoyed for its own unique flavor. Carob is a naturally sweet product, about 40% natural sugars. Compared to chocolate, carob is low in fat and is not as allergenic." Source: TCW Product Information Guide
* Replace cola drinks with WATER, and nutritious high antioxidant drinks such as Zrii (Ayurvedically balanced)!
For lots of great recipes using carob, get Enjoy Nature's Harvest E-cookbook available at
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Monday, July 7, 2008
Avian Flu is Back on the Radar Screen Again
Avian Flu is fluttering back into the news. We can expect more and more fraught reports of the dangers of this coming pandemic. Never mind that the supposed "vaccine" being cooked up is nonsense: the pandemic is to come and will be used for lock down and control by those who decide they need to shut down the last vestiges of a republic here in the US. The rest of the world will follow suit. And your body will be vaccinated with God Knows What unless you find a way to stop it before it starts.
We'll have a lot to say on this vitally important topic to help keep you informed and immunize you against the infection of misinformation the government is putting out. Here is information you need to know about a "Seasonal flu vaccine" which actually can bring about the much discussed pandemic - Flu Mist ®.
Please watch this important information before you subject yourself or your loved ones to FluMist® or any other flu vaccine.
For more information, see
Want my advice? Eat Carrots!!! (no joke)
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Protein/Fat Difference in Meat!
Protein and Fat in Wild Game and Modern Feedlot Meats (3.5 oz. portion)
Meats, Grams Protein, Grams Fat
Wild Game
Goat, 20.6, 3.8
Wild boar, 16.8, 8.3
Rabbit, 21.0, 5.0
Deer, 21.0, 4.0
Bison, 25.0, 3.8
Whale, 20.6, 7.5
Modern Feedlot Meats
Prime lamb loin, 14.7, 32.0
Ham, 15.2, 29.1
Regular hamburger, 17.9, 21.2
Choice sirloin steak, 16.9, 26.7
Pork loin, 16.4, 28.0
So what does this information tell us?
* Animals in the wild have a higher protein content and lower fat content, whereas animals in confined feedlots have a lower protein content with a fat content 4-10 times higher than those in the wild!
* Animals in the wild eat mostly grasses which are higher in omega-3 oils, while animals in feed lots are fattened on corn and soy which are high in omega-6 oils.
* Animals in the wild are leaner - not only do they not overeat, they get more exercise. In contrast, animals in feed lots are fed to fatten, and have little exercise.
In conclusion, for better weight control and a healthier body, give up eating the modern feed lot meats (from the grocery stores & restaurants). We have many great vegetable proteins that do us a whole lot more good especially in the summer time when it is hot. Then when we do eat meats, choose those from animals that are grass-fed, free to roam in uncrowded conditions, those who get good exercise - animals that are raised in happy surroundings.
If this makes sense to you, but you don't know where to start, that's why I created the Creatively Complete Dinners cookbook. You can have a copy of it in just a few days by ordering it right now at
I wish you the best always!
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Vitamin D to Reduce the Risk of Heart Attacks
Men deficient in vitamin D seem to have a higher risk of heart attacks than men whose blood levels of vitamin D are adequate. Medical records and blood samples of 454 men between the ages of 40 and 75 who had fatal or nonfatal heart attacks between January 1993 and January 2004 were compared with 900 men who had no history of cardiovascular disease.
The vitamin D connection remained significant even after researchers adjusted for such heart disease risk factors as family history of heart attacks, body mass index, alcohol consumption, physical activities, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, omega 3 intake and ethnicity. The study was conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. The results suggest that current recommendations for vitamin D intake need to be increased to boost blood levels of vitamin D high enough to benefit health, the authors said. The study showed that men whose blood levels of vitamin D were 15 nanograms per milliliter or less were at increased risk. Sufficient blood levels of vitamin D were 30 nanograms per milliliter or more.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Some Tips on Acne Prevention
In many cases acne can be avoided. There are lots of ways to avoid acne. Ways to avoid acne include dietary changes, skin care and home treatments.
This article will have information that explores ways to avoid acne.
Ways to avoid acne #1: Use a cleansing diet to get rid of the impurities in your system.
Ways to avoid acne #2: Clean your skin everyday.
Ways to avoid acne #3: Use a benzoyl peroxide lotion to keep blemishes at bay.
Ways to avoid acne #4: Check your cosmetics, foods and other products to make sure you are not having a problem with allergies that can be mistaken for acne.
Ways to avoid acne #5: If you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet you are less likely to have problems with acne.
Already kicked your bad diet and threw out aggravating cosmetics? And do you still have acne? Check out Acne Free in 3 Days, a natural how-to book on how to get rid of acne once and for all. -- Editors
Ways to avoid acne #6: Some vitamins will decrease your chances of acne. Check with your doctor to see what she suggests.
Ways to avoid acne #7: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water is important for the health of your skin.
Ways to avoid acne #8: Some people feel that cutting down on sugar, flour and caffeine is one of the ways to avoid acne.
Ways to avoid acne #9: If you have small blackheads or pimples do not pop them. This can lead to even more skin problems.
Ways to avoid acne #10: Don’t use greasy lotions and cosmetics as they contain oils that can promote acne.
Ways to avoid acne #11: Try not to take any medications that contain iodides or bromides.
The above information should help you find ways to avoid acne.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Fat & Muscle Composition
The average woman in the US, each year after age 25, loses 1/2 pound muscle weight and gains 1 pound fat weight. Not only does this mean that most women get increasingly bigger each year, it also means that since muscle weight takes up less space than fat weight, that even if a woman stayed the same weight, she would be increasing in size.
For the average man, well it really depends on if you do physical labor each day or spend your day in an office. If the latter is the case, a man may have much the same results as a woman in increasing weight and/or size.
For all, it's important to understand the need for physical exercise, and specifically working out with weights. If we do not continually build muscle strength, we lose it! It's as simple as that. But better yet, if you do your workout with weights in the morning, your metabolism works faster all day long - a real plus for losing or maintaining a healthy body weight.
Physical exercise is a must, but the best form includes all three forms of exercise:
1) stretching - keeps joints and muscles limber
2) weight work - builds and strengthens muscles, burns fat
3) aerobic work - builds endurance, gets oxygen to cells
For a good workout that includes all these three, get the Living a Healthy Lifestyle workout CD at
Get Fit, not Fat!
For your best health,
Soy - Is it a Healthful or Harmful Food?
The soybean plant is native to China, having been cultivated there for thousand of years. The Ancient Chinese regarded it as one of their most important crops and valued it as one of the five sacred grains necessary for life. Though soybeans were later introduced to countries as Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, and Vietnam, it was not known to the United States until the 18th century. However, the nutritional benefits were not promoted until the 20th century here in the U.S.
Here are some facts about soybeans:
* An excellent source of protein and molybdenum, and are regarded as equal to animal foods in protein quality.
* They are a good source of iron, calcium, phosphorous, fiber, and vitamins B1, B2, B6, E, and folic acid.
* They contain 38% protein, and compared to other legumes, are higher in essential fatty acids with a total fat content of 18 %, and a carbohydrate content of 31%.
* Soybeans are alkaline with a rating of -3.4 (great alkaline food).
* One acre of soybeans can produce 20 times the amount of protein as the amount of protein an acre used for raising beef provides.
According to the Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, soy "is one of the world's most important foods" because they are:
* A primary source of lecithin which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels and improve liver and gallbladder function.
* Soy fiber is useful in cases of constipation, diarrhea, high cholesterol levels, and diabetes. *
* Soy contains isoflavones which are anticancer compounds, and especially protective against breast and prostate cancers. Two isoflavones in soy act as phytoestrogens and reduce the effect of estrogen, as well as cause death to cancer cells and inhibit angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels needed to fuel cancer cells. The anticancer effects of soy intake in premenopausal women appear to be more valuable in preventing the onset of cancer.
* Though soybeans contain protease inhibitors (protein digesting enzymes), the activity is destroyed through either sprouting or cooking.
* For women, the consumption of soy foods is the most economical, and possibly most beneficial, way to increase the intake of phytoestrogens to relieve the symptoms of PMS.
It's interesting to understand, though, that the value of soybeans lies in its traditional Asian whole food sources. Asians only eat soybeans in one of five ways and usually only in a fermented form: tofu (soy cheese), tempeh (fermented soybean cakes), soy sauce, miso, and edamame (young green soybeans, non-fermented). In these ways, there are great nutritional benefits of soybeans if eaten at the maximum of 4-5 times per week.
So how do Americans eat soybeans? We seem to have taken a perfectly healthy food (as usual) and processed it in every form imaginable to mankind: protein powders, soy hot dogs, soy deli slices, soy burger patties, soy cheeses, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy yogurt, soy everything - but worst of all, soy formula (read on)! Some of these can be much "healthier" food choices than whatever else the grocery store has to offer, however, many of us view all these items as "healthy", because we have seen the listed benefits of soy. But we have to remember that processed foods are processed foods, and most of these mentioned foods are over processed and thus, over lacking in nutrition.
In these American processed food forms, soy can be harmful (here are only a few ways):
* Infants exclusively fed soy formula get the estrogen equivalent of about five birth control pills a day (the Asians would not think of feeding their babies soy formula). Nursing your baby at all costs is so much more advantageous - it's how God meant for babies to be fed!
* Male infants, who are fed soy formula, can undergo a "testosterone surge" during the first few months of life (levels as high as a male adult).
* High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce the assimilation of important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc.
* Large amounts of concentrated soy powder can disturb the body's hormonal balance, triggering or worsening thyroid problems.
* Soy phytoestrogens can disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.
* Processing of soy protein can result in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.¹
So here are some suggestions for beneficial uses of soy:
* Soy is a healthy food in one of the five Asian ways: tofu, tempeh, soy sauce, miso, or edamame, and is very beneficial in these forms eaten up to 4 or 5 times per week. If you're not familiar with some of these, ask someone at a health food market to show you these products. Also, check out Creatively Complete Dinners,, for great tasty, healthy, yet simple recipes for using some of these foods on occasion.
* Regular health food store soy powders are some of the worst when it comes to real nutrition. However, Reliv Classic - a superb nutritional supplement - is something that I eat and fully endorse as a beneficial daily health supplement. For information about it, please contact me at
* Legumes are great sources of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. But don't restrict your legume intake to just soybeans. There are black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, red beans, chickpeas, lentils, peas, and much more which are also healthy legumes, so use a variety of legumes in your menus to maintain balance.
* If using meat substitutes, READ LABELS, and be very selective. If a label has a list of more than about 10 or 12 items, it's usually not worth putting into your body. Yes, some alternatives (soy dogs vs. pork hotdogs) are better food choices, but that does not mean they are necessarily "healthy foods" by any means.
* Limit your intake of processed soy products. For example, pouring soy milk on a bowl of cereal once or twice a week may be fine, while drinking it several times daily is not a healthy choice.
* Same for soy cheeses, soy desserts, soy deli slices, etc. - read labels, be selective, and limit them.
Because we do live in a fast pace world and some convenience foods are often necessary choices for lifestyle and social reasons, evaluate this information on soy as well as all other types of food alternatives for your needs, and most of all, your ultimate health.
For great dinner menus using a variety of whole legumes in the right whole food form, get the Creatively Complete Dinners cookbook. It's got so many healthy, tasty, yet simple recipes. the order information:
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Is the Grocery Store Lying to You Too?
"When I walk into the grocery store now, I feel like I have been lied to, cheated, and robbed! The foods that are on those shelves are not healthy, they are not good for me, and I now realize that they are causing me to not feel well and to be overweight! How can they get away with selling these foods? It is so wrong!"
We were all quiet for another moment or two. Then I applauded her for coming to that realization because that is what it all boils down to. Today, we rely so heavily on grocery stores for our food supply, yet we don't understand why we are so over weight, and experiencing the many health challenges we face. There are few that really make the connection between what they are buying and eating, and how they are feeling - yet she had come to that realization!
Education is key! So ask yourself where you are getting your education? From the television commercials, weekly sales ads, radio advertisements - or are you researching for truth about foods and how they affect your body?
The Health Retreats were specifically set up to:
re-teach you (or begin to teach you) the truth about foods and why fueling your body with wholesome foods is so important
get you on a healthy eating plan - complete with menus we create and eat while there, as well as healthy menu planning
help you avoid excess weight, many disorders and diseases, surgery, and more!
The next Women's Health Retreat is at the end of this month, April 23-26 - and at an all time low price of only $395 which includes your materials, food and lodging complete. But you must sign up two weeks prior to the session to get this price.
Sign up now and come get the answers you need to get the results you seek!
Women's Health Retreat:
I want to see you succeed the healthy way!
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
¼ C. water
¼ C. apple cider vinegar
¼ C. lemon juice
1 Tbs. honey (slightly rounded)
2 tsp. liquid lecithin (just pour to measure)
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dry bell pepper flakes (find with seasonings in grocery store)
* Place all ingredients in blender bowl.
* Blend until well blended and sweet pepper flakes are chopped well.
* Store in a dressing jar in refrigerator.
* Makes approx. 1½ cups.
* Use on your favorite green salads, in pasta salads, on baked potatoes, and over fresh steamed greens (Swiss chard, collards, spinach, and asparagus).
This recipe is from Simple Super Salads.... for the Healthy Leaner Lifestyle series. To order this book, go to .
For your best health,
Erleen Tilton
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Health Tips
Your health is one of the most important things you will ever have in life and it is imperative that you take good care of your health. From keeping your weight down with a great diet to making sure to exercise on a regular basis, there is definitely quite a bit to keeping your body as healthy as possible. If you are looking for the best health information and tips on the web today, then you have arrived at the right place. Welcome to, where you can find all the health related information that you need. Here you will find many helpful articles, tips, and even health news that you need to know. It’s all right here – right at your fingertips.
Of course, taking care of your health is much more than diet and exercise. There are many other factors to be considered as well, such as your skin, your hair, dealing with various common infections, and many more. So, what type of things will you find here at the Good Health Tips site? Well, you’ll find great health tips and health articles that will prove to be informative and helpful. Just a few of the categories that you can browse here include the following:
- Fitness
- Food
- Hair
- Health
- Heart Burn
- Sinus Infections
- Yeast Infections
One of the most important parts of keeping your body healthy is staying fit, which is why we offer so many articles and health tips on fitness here at this site. While diet is important as well, without fitness training your great diet will not be as effective. Here you’ll learn more about fitness and you’ll find articles discussing things like personal trainers and other great fitness topics.
Of course, food is also extremely important when it comes to staying healthy. What you put into your body is definitely going to be reflected in your overall health. So, it is important that you learn what foods are healthy to eat and how they can affect your body. Are you interested in health food? If so, then you can find more information about health food right here. You’ll learn how important it is, how effective it can be, and even a bit on where you can find it. For those who are trying to improve their health by eating the right foods, this site has a great deal of advice and many tips to offer.
Believe it or not, many people forget their hair when they are thinking about their health. If you want hair that looks great, then you are going to have to take care of that. A person that keeps themselves in the best possible health is definitely going to have great looking hair as well. Perhaps you are suffering from hair loss and you’d like to find out how you can stop the problem. If so, then you can find great information on hair loss, products to help, and other great tips for keeping your hair healthy and avoiding even more hair loss.
Looking for topics on general health? You’ll find what you’re looking for here. From topics regarding women’s health to special health issues for men, there are great health articles that you’ll find helpful and informative.
Heart Burn
Heart burn is a very common problem that many people deal with; however, many of them actually are unaware of what they are experiencing. Here you can learn more information about heart burn and how it can affect your life. Not only will you learn more about heartburn, but you’ll also learn about great over the counter and prescription medications that can help. If you prefer natural medicine, then you can also check out our articles dealing with herbal remedies for heart burn as well.
Sinus Infections
If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you no doubt know how miserable they can be. Here at Good Health Tips you can find great articles that will help to educate you even more on these miserable infections. You’ll find information about the signs of a sinus infection, some helpful information on various sinus infection remedies, and some great tips to prevent and get rid of a sinus infection.
Yeast Infections
Yeast infections are usually problems that women deal with, and they can be quite uncomfortable to deal with. If you think you may have a yeast infection or you are looking for great cures for yeast infections, then you need to check out this section here at You’ll find great articles discussing the symptoms to watch out for, natural cures for yeast infections, causes of the infections, and other treatments that can help as well.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Cow Milk Allergy And The Mechanisms Of Food Allergy
A food allergic reaction occurs as a result of some component of the immune system, which normally protects us from infectious agents, inappropriately reacting to the proteins in foods we eat. Food allergic diseases usually occur in the first decade of life and are directly linked to the maturation of the immune system. In general, clinical symptoms are not detected at birth and although the production of IgE starts in the eleventh week of gestation, no specific sensitization to food allergens can be detected in cord blood.
During the first months of life initial IgE responses to food proteins, particularly hen's egg and cow's milk may be observed even in exclusively breast-fed infants. In such individuals, it is proposed that exposure occurs through proteins in their mother's milk.
Allergic reactions to foods can be broadly divided into immediate on-set and delayed on-set reactions.
IgE-Mediated Food Allergies
The parts of the immune system responsible for immediate on-set reactions (the most dramatic example of which is food anaphylaxis) are IgE antibodies.
In allergic individuals (who are sometimes referred to as being "atopic") eating certain food proteins (such as whey and casein protein contained in cow's milk) results in the production of specific IgE antibody molecules directed against the protein. The second time the individual eats the food, these specific IgE molecules interact with each other, and the protein, to cause the release of harmful chemicals (such as histamine) from special mast cells. This causes the damage associated with the symptoms of food allergy. Damage may occur to the skin, respiratory system or gastrointestinal tract, where the symptoms of food allergy are almost exclusively seen.
Non-IgE-Mediated Food Allergy
"T-cells" are the components of the immune systems responsible for delayed-type food allergic reactions. In individuals with a predisposition for delayed on-set food allergy, initial ingestion of food protein leads to the production of specific types of "T-cell". When the food is subsequently ingested, the food protein is "processed" in a variety of ways and "presented" to the previously generated food-specific T-cells. These T-cells then "invade" the area of the body about to suffer damage, as the skin or the bowel. This processing, presenting and invasion can take 24-48 hours which explains the delayed response. T-cells release chemicals that, through a chain of events, lead to the damage associated with symptoms of food allergy.
You can find more information on food allergies the immune mechanisms on Act Against Allergy - Food allergies
Infants and Cow Milk Allergy
Cow milk allergy (CMA) is a reaction to cow milk that results from a hypersensitive immune response to one or more milk proteins.
Milk is the most common cause of food allergy affecting a minimum of 2-3% of infants. However symptoms suggestive of cows' milk allergy may be present in up to 15% of babies, highlighting the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis.
Most babies with cow milk allergy develop symptoms within the first few months of life. It is rare for symptoms to begin after the age of 12 months.
Symptoms of cow milk allergy can be:
- skin symptoms, (e.g. eczema and rash),
- stomach or gut symptoms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhea or constipation)
- breathing symptoms (i.e. wheezing)
Most babies with cow milk allergy will have two or more symptoms.
The recommended management approach to cow milk allergy is to completely avoid cow milk protein. Because milk is an important food for infants, cutting it out from a baby's diet may put them at risk of poor growth. This risk can be overcome with an alternative hypoallergenic formula, such as amino-acid based formulas (AAF) or extensively hydrolyzed formulas (eHF), which can provide rapid relief of symptoms and enables optimal growth and development.
About Act Against Allergy
Act Against Allergy - For the treatment of Cow Milk Allergy is a global educational initiative with information and tools to know and increase the awareness of childhood cow milk allergy and other infant food allergies and to support parents and healthcare professionals.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Vagina Health Tips for a Sweet Smell & Optimum Health
All women need to be aware of their vagina’s health. Keeping it healthy means you will avoid infections and also have a pleasant odor and the tips enclosed will ensure that you have optimum vagina health
A healthy vagina is home to a huge variety of minute organisms. Normally, they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents the overproduction of any one species in the vagina and helps combat foreign bodies that can infect it.
Vaginal infections are common and occur when the delicate balance is disrupted can cause discomfort in the area and unpleasant smells.
Firstly, the health of a women’s Vagina and the smell are influenced by overall lifestyle, diet and weight.
If you follow the tips below you can ensure a healthy vagina so here they are:
1. Your Overall Diet
Eat a healthy diet. Cigarettes alcohol and drugs should be eliminated if you can or cut down, as should heavily spiced foods and junk food.
Try and eat as naturally as possible (food free of additives) and make sure you drink lots of water. What you put into your body comes out in its secretions and the vagina is the same. Ever noticed how your sweat smells differently after eating spiced food, then you will realize why this is so important.
2. Cleaning
Odor-producing bacteria can thrive on the vulva and need to be cleaned off regularly to prevent vaginal inflections and prevent odors.
Washing the genital area daily with a simple, fragrance-free soap is normally enough to keep the vagina area clean and fresh.
Your vagina self-cleans itself so douching is not required.
Furthermore, douching upsets the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem and can actually be harmful.
Because infections such as yeasts are found in the intestine, it is important after going to the toilet to wipe front to back i.e. you need to wipe the vagina area first and the rectum last!
During sex it is also very important to avoid contamination of the vagina area with organisms and bodies from the bowel, or rectum area.
3. Clothes to wear
To prevent vaginal infections and keep your vagina healthy make sure your clothing allows the area to breath. To do this avoids tight garments and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers such as nylon.
Remember, that tampons and diaphragms left for too long in the vagina can create a very strong unpleasant odor as well.
4. Safe sex
Finally, if you don’t know your partner very well, always Use a condom and a spermicidal to reduce the chances of infection and disease.
If you are unlucky enough to get an infection, the symptoms are outlined below of three of the most common ones.
The good news is that to reclaim a healthy vagina is easy, if you are alerted to the problem and take action.
1. Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) accounts for more than 50% of all vagina related health visits.
About half of all women with BV vaginal infections have no obvious symptoms.
The most common symptom is a thin, white to light grey discharge with an offensive fishy like smell that is extremely unpleasant.
The odor is strongest when the discharge is exposed to any alkaline substance and this includes soap and semen, it will therefore be at its strongest and most obvious after cleaning or sex.
BV is easy to treat and is normally treated by a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
2. Yeast
Although yeast infections are probably the most common type of vaginal infection, many women never bother to seek help.
Most simply recover naturally and others treat themselves with anti-fungal vaginal creams available without prescription from the chemist.
Symptoms of yeast infections include:
Vulvar itching combined with irritation in the vagina area and redness.
If the urinary opening becomes inflamed, urination will increase and discomfort will be present. If the infection is severe, the vulva will swell and fine breaks, called fissures occur. This causes vaginal discharges to become thicker and whiter.
Yeast infections are the result of excessive growth of a family of fungi that normally live in any healthy vagina, but when they increase the balance of the vagina is upset and problems occur.
The most common infection is vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which is usually caused by a fungus named Candida albicans.
There are two types of VVC:
Uncomplicated, a mild infection that responds to therapy. Or recurrent which, is more severe and often occurs in women who have diabetes or are infected with less treatable forms of yeast, such as Candida glabratia.
Recurrent VVC, normaly occurs more than four times a year and needs a long initial treatment of around two weeks and then a follow-up therapy course for up to 6 months or longer.
Certain factors are common causes such as nylon and Lycra clothing that traps heat and moisture, so be aware of our clothing tips for a healthy vagina we noted earlier.
Other common causes include:
Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system during illnesses, the use of oral contraceptives, and eating excessive amounts of sugars, starch, and yeasts.
If you do have a yeast vaginal infection, your doctor will ordinarily treat you with either prescription or nonprescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to earlier.
If you have a problem get professional help and you will soon have a healthy vagina. Do not ignore symptoms or think they will go away get help quickly.
3. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis, or "trich," is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection suffered by a huge amount of women worldwide and this runs into tens of millions. While infection with trichomoniasis can be uncomfortable, it is not in anyway a serious threat to overall health.
The symptoms are normally vulvar and vaginal burning and itching. The burning is normally at its height after intercourse.
In addition, there may be vulvar swelling and frequent and uncomfortable urination. There is a heavy vaginal discharge, usually yellowish or green, which may or may not have an offensive smell.
The trichomonad is a minute parasite. It has three tails at its narrow end and swims with them and the white blood cells of the body follow.
These blood cells literally chase down the trichomonad and kill it by eating it.
Symptoms occur only when the body's natural defense are swamped by with sheer number of reproducing trichomonads and the white blood cells cannot cope.
Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed and antibiotic treatment cures it in the majority of cases.
Follow the tips above for a healthy vagina and if you do have a problem don’t worry or be embarrassed simply seek help quickly and clear up the problem, in the vast majority of cases treatment is quick, easy and painless
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Boost Your Immune System With Fruits and Vegetables
Having a heatlhy and nutritious diet is the most important thing we can do to prevent disease. A healthy and nutritious diet should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grains. These foods are great sources of antioxidants, which benefit our health by neutralizing harmful molecules known as free radicals. Heart disease, cancer, stroke and other diseases that are common with aging result from damage to cells from these free radicals.
In small amounts, free radicals help fight infection, but in large amounts, they may cause damage to tissue and DNA, a process known as oxidative stress. A way to prevent or minimize the oxidative stress in your body is by increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables.
Our immune system needs to be well nourished to accomplish its mission: Defend our body against infection and other diseases.
Broccoli is considered as the number one anti-cancer food by the National Cancer Institute. It contains sulforaphane which stimulates the body's production of substances known as Phase II detoxification enzymes. The Phase II detoxification enzymes destroy carcinogens and free radicals before they attack healthy cells. Other sources of sulforaphane are kale, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, brussels sprouts and mustard or turnip greens.
Among all fruits and vegetables, blueberries have one of the highest content of antioxidants. They get their beautiful deep color from pigments called anthocyanin, which have some very powerful immune stimulating properties. These anthocyanins are antioxidants that protect capillaries from oxidative harm. Blueberries have been found to help with mental health and memory and with urinary tract infections.
Apples are rich in magnesium, iron, silicon and potassium. Raw apples are a valuable aid to digestion, cleansing of the intestines and are excellent for fevers and inflammations. If you are having trouble with constipation, try having an apple (or apple juice) on an empty stomach, as they have a diuretic and laxative effect on the lower intestine.
Called the “poor man's antibiotic”, garlic is a powerful aid against infections. It is also a powerful blood cleanser, a digestive stimulant, a diuretic and a systemic cleanser. It is also a powerful cleanser of the mucous membranes, especially those of the lungs, sinuses, nose and the throat. Due to its blood cleansing properties, garlic is beneficial for conditions such as high blood pressure. Garlic also appear to help block cancer by preventing the formation of some carcinogens that damage DNA.
Rich in organic citric acid, it quickly changes an acid condition into an alkaline one; they help maintain the proper acid-alkaline balance of the body and relieve many other irritating conditions. Lemons are excellent for colds, sore throat and upset stomach.
Rich in vitamin C, fiber and potassium, tomatoes have a high content of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the body against cancer. They also contain beta-carotene and flavonoids that inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Carrots are great for cleansing the bile and dying substances impacted in the liver. When eaten raw, carrots supply many of the components and vitamins needed by our bodies. Carrots are one of the best sources of Vitamin A and are also high in potassium, calcium. magnesium, manganese, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus and protein.
Raw spinach is just about one of the most nourishing vegetables for the digestive and eliminative system and for all muscles, cells, tissues and nerves. It stimulates the muscular contractions of the intestines and is rich in iron, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Brief details on Skin Diseases
Skin diseases are some of the most dangerous diseases that affect the outside image of the patient as well. They can be of many types but they have almost the same causes and especially consequences. The most serious consequences are the visible ones. People who suffer from skin diseases usually have visible marks or traces left by these problems.
Hence, the most serious problem when it comes to skin diseases is the exterior image of the patient. Among the most common skin disease, some are to be mentioned. These are candidiasis, acne, cellulitis, eczemas or even skin cancer. These diseases are considered by some specialists to be some of the most unpleasant, as they affect the image of the patient’s skin.
Since there are numerous skin diseases, there are also numerous causes that permit these affections to install. One of the most common causes for skin diseases is the incorrect or peccary skin hygiene, fact which can lead to serious consequences for the important element of the body that is skin. The lack of skin hygiene can lead to numerous diseases that affect skin, such as candidiasis or acne, which may also be considered as an affection of the skin.
Another possible cause of skin diseases is the apparitions of microbes on one’s skin. Some microbes can be really harmful for skin and most of the times their effects are very inesthetical. They can lead to eczemas herpes or even dermatitis. They can be contracted from water or from surfaces that were also touched by many other people (door handles or handrails). These microbes are very dangerous and very “effective” at the same time, as they install very fast into one’s derma. One of the effects may be the change of the natural look of the skin to a very pale look or they can even give the image of bruises.
Another element that may cause skin diseases is the toxic reaction that some perfumes or deodorants may have upon the skin. Doctors advise people who use these perfumed cosmetics with alcohol to spray or apply them only on normal, healthy skin with no other affections. Some of the perfumed beauty cosmetics are said to provoke skin cancer if applied on irritated or freshly shaved skin.
Another important cause may also be the excessive exposure in the sun. This may lead to skin burnt and may even have serious effects in time, such as skin cancer.
The symptoms in the case of skin diseases are of the most obvious. These diseases usually signal their apparition by marks left on skin and by bruises or irritations. People are advised to visit their doctors whenever they notice any of these symptoms or even for irritations of the skin.
People must be very careful when presenting these symptoms on their skin and are advised to take immediate measures, as skin diseases are easier to treat after an early diagnosis.
The most important precautions regarding skin diseases regard mostly the domain of skin hygiene. People are advised to pay special attention at their skin care. They are also advised to be careful for the water they use for their skin hygiene. The water in some swimming pools can also contain numerous candidiasis from other people and these may easily affect the ones having a sensitive skin.
Another important advice given by specialists to people is not to stay too expose their skin to excessive sunbaths. Besides its healing properties sun can also have serious negative effects upon people’s skin. The consequences can be really serious and sun may actually have very grave effects, as skin cancer for example.
These precautions are to be taken into consideration by most of the people, no matter how resistant or sensitive their type of skin may be.
People with sensitive skins are advised to take into account these precautions as they can help greatly in the prevention of numerous skin diseases such as the ones stated above.
The treatments for skin diseases are divided in two categories. The prevention treatments and the actual treatments for solving skin problems. The prevention treatments include lotions and solutions that people are advised to use in a preventive manner. For example, sun lotions with a great factor of protection against skin burns. These treatments are very effective, as they can prevent effectively the problems that sun may cause to sensitive skin.
Another type of treatment is the actual treatment for existent skin diseases. This type of treatment is usually found under the form of lotions and ointments which are also very effective for treating skin diseases.
For more grave skin diseases there are laser treatments which are considered very benefic for skin cancer in general. They are much more complicated but they are also very effective and most of the times provide the desired results. These can be also used for depigmentation problems, such as candidiasis or acne.
Related best health centers on the world:
There are many health centers specialized in skin diseases around the world, since these diseases have been spreading very fast all over the world. Skin care health centers have the necessary medical technology in order to treat people suffering from these diseases in an effective way and with no side effects of the treatments.
One of the most important health centers for skin diseases is in Perth Australia and it has the necessary technology and experience in order to treat and heal many of the existing skin diseases. Health centers as this one provide their clients with the necessary treatments and solutions for the problems that the latter ones need in order to solve their skin problems.
All in all, skin diseases are considered as some of the most grave ones, as they not only affect our organism but also our exterior image. That is why doctors advise people to be very attentive when it comes to their skin care and pay much attention at the products that they use for their skin.